The city of Gold Coast is located in Queensland, Australia. As of the 2011 Census, the population is estimated at 1,042,578. Its median age is 39 years and is made up of 50.6% women and 29.3% men. The most common ancestry in the city is English, with 29.3% of residents of this city being of English descent. About 65 percent of the population was born in Australia, with 7.9% of residents born in New Zealand and 5.2% in England. It is estimated that over 17% of the population holds a bachelor’s degree, and that the majority of the population was born in Australia. Furthermore, 45.8% of its residents were born in Australia and are of Australian descent.
The population of Gold Coast has continued to grow in recent years, with the city’s total population expected to increase from 7,098 to 11,614 in the year 2021. In addition, the city is becoming more diverse, with more people coming from Asia than from Europe. The country with the largest number of immigrants is China, while the majority of foreign-born residents come from southern Asia. Japan, India, South Korea, China, and the Philippines are the top five birth countries in the city.
As far as the city’s population growth is concerned, the city is a diverse one. More than half of the city’s foreign-born population comes from English-speaking countries, while Asian immigration is increasing rapidly. A recent report stated that there will be a slight decline in European immigration in the city, but that the region will remain at its current density. The average population density for Australia is 417 people per square kilometer, so the future for the city is bright.
As the population grows, the city’s climate is apt to change. While nearly two-thirds of the city’s foreign-born residents are from English-speaking countries, the country’s population is primarily Asian, with most new migrants coming from China and southern Asia. The city’s most popular birth countries are Japan, South Korea, and South Korea. And Japan, along with China, is one of the fastest-growing regions in the world.
While the city’s population is largely European, a large number of people are now moving to the Gold Coast. Its population is also diverse, with two-thirds of its foreign-born residents coming from English-speaking countries. There are two million people living in the city, so there is no shortage of people. This is an increasingly multicultural society. Despite the high number of immigrants, the city has also experienced an increase in Asian migration.
The city is one of the fastest-growing in the world. The population of Gold Coast is over 500,000 and is expected to grow to 820,000 in twenty years. The climate in the region is sunny most of the time, and many people make the most of their 300-day-per-year average. The city is 5,000 square kilometers and has a large number of waterways. In 2021, the city is expected to reach the population of 820,000.
The population of Gold Coast is estimated to grow to over eight million by 2021. The city is one of the fastest-growing cities in the country and has an average of 300 days of sunshine each year. The city is an ideal place to live because it is a tropical climate, with a temperate winter and hot summers. It is also a popular destination for business, with a huge number of shops and offices in the area.
The population of the Gold Coast is forecast to reach eight hundred thousand by 2035. The city’s population growth rate is between 1.28% and 2.25% a year, with between two and eleven thousand people being added to the city each year. The region’s booming tourism industry provides a number of job opportunities, and attracts people from around the world. Its rapid population growth began in 1958, with the influx of many immigrants from overseas.
The city’s estimated resident population is approximately six hundred and fifty thousand people. The estimated population of the city will be eight hundred and twenty-one thousand by 2021. The Sunshine Coast is the most populated city in Australia, with over 500,000 residents. The population will double in the next two decades, reaching over eighty thousand by the year. The climate of the city is very temperate, with around 300 days of sunshine per year. Its size is 70 km2 with 270 Km of coastline.