You might want to know the weather in Gold Coast, Australia, in July. This article will provide you with a quick guide. Here is the average temperature and humidity for Gold Coast during July. In July, you can expect the average temperature to be around +19degC. The coldest day will be on July 27 at +12degC, and the hottest day will be on July 29. The winds will be on your side all month long, with an average speed of 7mph and a westerly breeze of 8km/h.
The daytime temperatures in Gold Coast, Australia, will be comfortable for most visitors. The highs will be 20 deg C and the lows will be 9deg C. The water temperature is 22 degrees Celsius, and the days will be sunny with very few clouds. The nighttime temperatures will be cool, especially if you choose to visit the hinterland. There will be no shortage of things to do, as the climate is great for water sports.
The temperature in Gold Coast, Australia, during July will be pleasant. In July, the thermometer will reach a maximum of 68degF and the minimum will be around 59degF. The average daytime temperature is 63degF, but the temperature can go higher. There have been several hot days in Gold Coast, including 76degF in 2010 and 49degF in 2011. Daytime temperatures will be 10:32 hours in July, with plenty of sunshine.
Summer months in the Gold Coast are generally warm and sunny, with about 7 hours of sunshine per day. However, you should bring warm clothing for the evenings. Gold Coast has several restaurants and nightlife. If you are visiting in the summer, be sure to bring a jacket. If you plan on drinking a lot of wine and dancing, don’t forget to pack a scarf or a warm jacket. It’s a fun, easy-to-wear accessory that will add a touch of class to your outfit.
The timing is perfect for the Gold Coast Marathon. In July, the course is flat and generally ideal for running. You can choose from a half marathon, full marathon, or even a 10km walk. The route will start near the Australia Fair in Southport, and will extend south to the Gold Coast Airport at Coolangatta. The route will then head north to Labrador. Regardless of the distance, the timing is perfect for running the marathon, so you may want to consider traveling to the Gold Coast for the marathon.
The best way to predict Gold Coast’s summer weather is to check the Gold Coast Seaway Automatic Weather Station. This site is located on the northern end of the Southport Spit. The weather station has important information about the region, such as sea level temperature, humidity, wind speed, and wind direction. You can also download a PDF version of the Daily Weather Observations for Gold Coast. These are prepared routinely and are based on statistical data collected from 2005 to 2015.
Australia is a vast country with a variety of climates. Northern cities are characterized by hot summers while southern cities are characterized by cold winters. During July, temperatures in the southern cities can be cold. However, they are usually not cold compared to the northern ones. However, winter temperatures in the capital, Canberra, are often below 32deg F, and can rise to as high as 53deg F (12deg C) during the day.
A wet day is defined as one with a precipitation total of 0.04 inches or more. The probability of a wet day varies throughout the year. In October, the wetter season lasts for 7.0 months and February has an average of 11.2 wet days. By contrast, the drier season lasts for 5.0 months, with an average of 4.5 days of rain. It is important to note that these figures are only estimates and may not reflect the true weather of Gold Coast.
In inland rainforests, the temperature can drop rapidly. In fact, the temperature difference from the coast to the top of Mt Tamborine is as much as 5degC! To protect yourself from the chill, make sure to dress in layers and carry a windbreaker. If you are planning to spend time in the rainforest, be sure to try the giant fruit, Jakfruit. It tastes like bubblegum.